Hi there, thank you for visiting my site!

My name is Amber, I’m half American half English, but born and raised in Milan, Italy!

I love to cook, and to visit farms and meet producers. I studied at the Slow Food University in Pollenzo, Italy, making me a “Gastronome” : )

After a few experiences in the kitchen/farm realm (i.e. Chez Panisse) I worked at The Ecology Center managing their Culinary program + Events.

Self-taught graphic designer and illustrator, I currently work in Marketing and Creative Production for Scribe winery in the Bay area.

This used to be a blog where I’d post about plant-based recipes, my travels and health/environmental topics, but I now use it also as a portfolio for my illustrations and other creative work I’ve done.

Hope you enjoy,
Amber xx

Blog at WordPress.com.